Bathje’s recollections of Gunnison’s past filled with local businesses, friendly faces, and a sense of community evoke a nostalgia for a simpler time. Yet, as he points out, the landscape has shifted dramatically over the decades. Businesses have come and gone, economic challenges have arisen, and the community spirit that once thrived has become diluted amidst the complexities of modern governance.

At the heart of Bathje’s campaign is a desire to restore that sense of community while addressing the urgent issues facing Gunnison County today. His focus on revising the Land Use Regulations (LUR) is particularly noteworthy. With over 330 pages dictating what residents can and cannot do, these regulations have become cumbersome obstacles for builders and homeowners alike. Bathje rightly argues that the government should facilitate development rather than hinder it. By re-evaluating these regulations, he aims to empower local builders, making it easier for them to create the housing our community desperately needs.

Housing is a critical issue in Gunnison County, and Bathje’s approach is refreshing. Rather than advocating for government-built housing which often comes with inefficiencies and inflated costs he emphasizes the importance of enabling private sector solutions. The notion that government should step back and allow the market to thrive resonates with many who feel overtaxed and underrepresented. By prioritizing the needs of local businesses and reducing unnecessary fees and taxes, Bathje envisions a more prosperous community where residents can thrive without the burden of excessive governmental oversight.

Moreover, Bathje’s candid acknowledgment of the need for fiscal responsibility is a breath of fresh air. In an era where government often resorts to raising taxes as a first response to financial challenges, he advocates for a more prudent approach: maximizing the efficiency of existing funds before seeking additional revenue. This commitment to responsible budgeting reflects a broader philosophy: that government should operate within its means, just as families and businesses must do.

Bathje’s candidacy is not just about policy; it’s about people. His emphasis on community where neighbors know each other and support one another strikes a chord with those who long for a return to a more connected Gunnison. He understands that amidst all the changes, the core of what makes Gunnison County special is its people. By fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, he hopes to rekindle the community spirit that has been overshadowed by growth and regulation.

As we approach the upcoming election, Bathje’s vision for Gunnison County stands out as a compelling approach to leadership. He embodies a blend of experience, community values, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. His motto that politicians, like diapers, should be changed often and for the same reason serves as a reminder that fresh perspectives are essential for progress.

In this pivotal moment, Gunnison County has the opportunity to choose a leader who not only understands the importance of change but also prioritizes the well-being of its residents. Steve Bathje’s candidacy represents a chance to redefine the future of our community one that honors our past while boldly stepping into a brighter tomorrow. As we head to the polls, let us remember the importance of our vote: a vote for change, a vote for community, and a vote for a Gunnison County we can all be proud to call home.

Im Steve Bathje the Republican candidate for Gunnison County Commissioner District #2, although not always 100% aligned, I am always willing to listen, learn & consider. A proponent of small government control & less red tape in the private sector… Its time for Gunnison County leaders to stand up and do what’s right for all its citizens.  I will work for what benefits everyone the most.